Saturday, March 14, 2009

Not news worthy this week

No construction.
No traffic delays.
No lack of parking.
No restaraunts closing.
No police reports were written.
No panhandlers were present.
No local acknowlegement of the development.
No drugs were seen sold.
No City Council walked the street and purchased something.
No new street light bulbs.
No skateboards were riden.
No national recession reached the merchants here
No new donors
No government stimulus package
No smoking for 200ft along the promenade
No drunkards where found in front of the storefronts

Tuscon Is Great!
Nothing worth reporting in the papers happened this week

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When I was younger and still relied on recess as the measure of my political status my knowledge of ethics and Code of Conduct would begin to develop.Would I be picked by the most desired group, would I be chosen for my atheletic ability or would I make believe I choose to be part of a group that did not participate in the ritualand in default become accepted by that community?
During the time designated for education I percieved of the "ethics" involved in life. Ethics are a social phenomenom, it is a clearly defined part of most professions, medical doctors, attorneys and real estate brokers write them on paper, and financial intitues and universities publish on their websites should it not be followed in Daily Life?
Ethics and Code of Conduct must be taught as one of the many things to learn allowing for asymilation into the community we wish to be part of, is it not?
It is not Ethical for anyone to pass on disparaging information regarding ones actions without first allowing the 'offender' to make atonement if a break of Conduct has taken place.
If someone you met is mutually associated with persons and business, is it ethical to speak in specific financial terms and operating procedures to each other? If you are the recipient of such a discussion what should your roll be?
The beliefs I hold regarding the ethics of life are few, the Code of Conduct I am living by is true to the reality of my life which is constantely changing. One constant "First,do no harm" I like that simple enough and not really that easy to follow. Many rules are discussed in schools in order to create a regulated comfortable society. Ethics always include not disclosing information that may shed a disparaging light on others within the community. unless you consider them adveserial in which case you are playing in a different group of ethics.
When a breach occurs what are the recorses? This is one of the ethical question I am unable to answer, while I am learning to live within the space I wish to be, my ego appears and says remember, once someone breaks the Code of Conduct they become unethical and have shown themselves to be your adversary, hence ALL bets are off!
Hence, my ethical delimema, my Code of Conduct will not allow a betrayel of trust from the "informant" the snitch that broke the information. The fascade has been errected and there behind is the truth of the relationship laying in wait if the relationship would be restored.
I cannot "hold my water" and injustice should not be tolerated, but at every turn you should take the time to ask the following questions: is what I am about to disclose a break of ethics, am I living within the Code of Conduct for the community which I wish to be a part of? The community will decide if you have adopted an acceptable Code of Conduct and if you understand the ethics of the community. In time you may again be choosen by default to be those that are not included by the community which you had considered the desirable choice.